Johannesburg – Tuesday, 30 April 2024 – The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) would like to respond to the recent allegations that its Group Executive for News and Current Affairs, Mr. Moshoeshoe Monare is coerced to embark on a second vetting process or is targeted by the Presidency. The SABC has no evidence to suggest that it is being targeted by the Presidency, nor any of its Group Executives as reported by the media.

The SABC would like to state that the Corporation is classified as a national key point area, and it is a procedural requirement for the public service broadcaster as an accountable institution operating in South Africa to initiate a vetting process on all Group Executives. Consequently, when Mr Monare was appointed in 2022, the SABC would have made the request to the SSA for Mr Monare to be vetted.

All top-level executives at the SABC are subjected to vetting and obtaining security clearance as part of their conditions of employment. This requirement is standard for all executives, and those who complete the process receive a certificate of clearance. The details of this vetting process are outlined in the SABC HR policy, ensuring no surprises, or misunderstanding for executives who have agreed to these terms upon signing their contracts.

For clarity, we would like to confirm that vetting is a normal process for executives at the SABC and there is nothing sinister about it. The newly appointed GCEO, Nomsa Chabeli is also undergoing this clearance as a requirement of her employment contract. To this end, the SABC is not involved in scheduling such vetting, management of the timeframes nor is the SABC involved in any aspect of this process. The SABC Legal Office is available to support any employee should they feel that their rights to free expression have been infringed upon.

The SABC Group Executive for News, Moshoeshoe Monare as stated by the Presidency did not complete the process of vetting as stipulated in his contract. He submitted the Z204 (Security Clearance Form) in October 2022. He has not been asked to go through an unfair second round of vetting and security clearance. It is important to confirm that Mr. Monare consented to the vetting by the SSA when he signed his contract of employment which clearly spells out the requirements as a condition of employment.

The SABC Board of Directors and the Group Chief Executive Officer uphold the Charter of the SABC which enshrines the journalistic independence of SABC news staff. In addition, their freedom of expression is protected by the constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

The SABC values the independence of its newsrooms and is able to draw on the experience of talented journalists reporting in all the official languages to provide consistent, relevant and high-quality content, including information and analysis. Editorial staff are required to understand that with the legislated and constitutional protection of the SABC’s independence comes the responsibility to serve the public with the highest standards of excellence and integrity.

It must also be noted that the SABC’s elections broadcasts are regulated by various prescripts of legislation. During an election period, the SABC is bound to comply with additional ICASA guidelines on equitable coverage of political parties, that are applicable during an election period. Given the upcoming elections, the SABC’s is guided by the commitment to editorial independence, impartiality, transparency, and balance.

The SABC occupies a distinct position of trust in the lives of its audiences. It is the most extensive, all-inclusive and diverse news organisation in South Africa. The SABC considers it a duty to provide compelling, independently produced, bias-free, credible, and useful top-quality news, information, and analysis, which the public can trust in their daily decision making about their lives.


Issued By: Group Communications

Media Enquiries: Mmoni Seapolelo (Acting Group Executive: Corporate Affairs & Marketing) | T. 011 714 3057 | C. 073 688 1590